2014 universities and colleges scholarship resource
For complete list of scholarship offered in Canada, click on this attached PDF file:
University of Waterloo
Faculty of Mathematics Scholarships and Bursaries 2014
To apply for these awards, you must first accept an offer of admission from the Faculty of Mathematics. The FoM offers as many as 200 scholarships in varying amounts to deserving students. In addition, the University of Waterloo offers entrance scholarships on the basis of grades and bursaries on the basis of financial need.
To download an application, go to uwaterloo.ca/math/scholarships
- due date February 10, 2014
Bursary Applications will be available in February at uwaterloo.ca/findoutmore/financingbursaries
- deadline is April 13, 2014
To Increase Your Chances:
1. Write the Euclid Math Contest-- April 15, 2014. Ask your math teacher for details
2. Prepare an excellent Admission Information Form (AIF)
Get your AIF at uwaterloo.ca/findoutmore/admissions/admission-information-form
3. Work hard and keep up your marks.
For more information about scholarships, bursaries, financial aid, budgeting for university, and other financial matters, visit uwaterloo.ca/student-awards-financial-aid.
Student Life Network and CIBC Scholarship
Student Life Network in collaboration with CIBC is offering a $20,000 award to help a current Canadian student pay for school. The award is not merit based, is open to all students 16+, and it is free to apply. In addition to the $20,000 for school it contains a whole host of other awards that make a student's life easier.
Students can register to win the scholarship here: http://bit.ly/19YYoI3
Last year,. Taylor Esselment from Hagersville, Ontario won a $20,000 GIC to help her pay off her student debts. A re-cap video telling her that she won can be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi4knWo6tTo.
The OHF Bursary Program (Ontario Hockey Federation)
www.onf.on.caTo be eligible for this award, a candidate must meet the following criteria:
400 Sheldon Drive, Unit 9
Cambridge, Ontario
N1T 2H9
The Association of Justices’ of the Peace Scholarship
To be eligible students must
The Burger King Scholarship Program 2013
On-line applications are available at:
You may start applying mid November. Applications close Jan 10 2014.
Libro Community Builder Scholarship
Ten, $3,000 scholarships will be awarded to students 17 to 25 in southwestern Ontario who demonstrate outstanding commitment to developing leadership skills while participating in community development projects. Libro knows that by supporting these young leaders we all win. Students attending college, university, a technical institute or private college are all eligible to apply.
Applications are being accepted on-line at www.libro.ca/scholarship from March to May. Check website for deadline details.
The Kin Canada Bursary
High School students in London and surrounding area are being encouraged to apply for post-secondary funding through the local Kin Canada Clubs: Kinsmen Club of Greater London, Kinette Club of London, Kinsmen Club of Dorchester and area, Kinsmen Club of St. Thomas, just to name a few.
Students who are, or will be, attending a recognized post-secondary institution during the 2014-2015 school year are encouraged to apply for a $1,000 Kin Canada Bursary. Applications will be accepted until Feb. 1, 2014, and can be downloaded at www.bursary.ca.
This bursary is awarded to students based on financial need, community and school involvement, and knowledge of Kin Canada. Successful applicants will be notified by June 2014.
Since Kin Canada Bursaries were established in 1994, more than half a million dollars in bursaries have been awarded to students pursuing their post-secondary education. The bursaries are supported each year by the fundraising efforts of Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin Clubs across the country.
For more information about Kin Canada, visit www.kincanada.ca.
The Garfield Weston Scholarship Awards
If you are entering college studies in the Fall of 2014, are passionate about your field of study, have been involved in school and community activities and have a 75% average, you need to check out the Garfield Weston Scholarship Awards.
Please see Mrs. Q for details, or go to www.garfieldwestonawards.ca for more details.
Deadline is March 2014.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Allen Simpson Educational Fund Awards
These awards were established to assist orphans who wish to continue with a post secondary education.
1. Canadians citizen or permanent resident
2. Will be attending a recognized college or university
3. Under 22 years of age at the time of application
4. Both parents deceased
See Mrs. Q in the guidance office for an application. Deadline is March 1.
Schulich Leader Scholarships
Interested? Visit the guidance office, if you wish to be nominated.
What is it?
Seymour Schulich, a noted entrepreneur and philanthropist, believes that Canada and Israel’s future lies in leadership committed to science and technology. The Schulich Leader Scholarships are available to support and encourage young people to embrace science and technology in their future careers, helping to propel our nation’s economy. Winners of the scholarship may receive up to $60,000.00.
Who is Elgible?
High School, Secondary School and CEGEP (in Quebec) students in their final year who plan to study STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) at university in the fall of 2013 are eligible to be selected by their respective school as the Schulich Leader Nominee. Each of the 20 participating universities will select their Schulich Leader from the pool of Schulich Leader Nominees who have applied to their institution.
Schulich Leader Nominees are selected by the High Schools, Secondary Schools and CEGEPs from graduating students who are intending to study STEM subjects in university. The student must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada and possess at least two of the three following attributes:
· Exceptional high academic grades
· Demonstrated leadership in school life and community life, or provided evidence of entrepreneurial talent (Schulich Leader Nominees must provide two written references with at least one academic)
· Financial need
Schulich Leaders are selected by the universities. In order to become a Schulich Leader, one must be a Schulich Leader Nominee enrolling in a STEM faculty at a minimum of one of 20 designated Canadian Universities selected to participate in Schulich Leader Scholarships in the Fall of 2013.
Check out the website at www.schulichleaders.com
Deadline : Feb. 5, 2014 - check website for details.
University of Guelph National Scholarship Program
The University of Guelph offers 12 scholarships valued at $32,000.00 each and includes a research assistantship position and mentorship by one of Guelph’s leading professors.
Students need to submit the on-line application no later than January 25, 2014.
90% overall average
Community involvement
School Leadership
Go to the University of Guelph’s website and follow the link to obtain an on-line application:
The National Scholarship Program at the University of Western Ontario.
Note: National Scholarship applications for 2013-2014 will be available in November 2013.
National Scholarships are designed to recognize all-round excellence. They are awarded on the basis of outstanding academic performance to candidates who demonstrate ability for creative and innovative thought and a passion for the pursuit of learning. National Scholarships also recognize exceptional achievement in extracurricular activities such as the arts and athletics. A special emphasis is placed on a candidate's commitment to community service through ongoing contributions to school and community life.
President’s Entrance Scholarships
Total value approx. $34,000
SIX at $24,000; payable $6,000 per academic year for a period of four years, with first-year residence room and board included (up to a maximum of $10,000).
Faculty Entrance Scholarships
Total value approx. $23,000
EIGHT at $16,000; payable $4,000 per academic year for a period of four years, with first-year residence room only included.
Beryl Ivey Continuing Entrance Award
Total value: $64,000
ONE at $64,000; payable $16,000 per academic year for a period of four years.
National Merit Awards
Those students who are interviewed for a National Scholarship but not offered a scholarship and accepting offer of admission to main campus will receive a one-year National Merit Award valued at $2,000. Recipients will also retain eligibility for an Admission Scholarship ranging in value from $1,000 to $10,000
For scholarship consideration you must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and have obtained a minimum overall academic average of 90% on all Grade 12U/M courses. National Scholarships are available only at Western's main campus and Faculty Entrance Scholarships are available only within the faculty for which the scholarship has been awarded. You must make an admission application to The University of Western Ontario (main campus) to be considered for these scholarships and you must register as a full-time student. International Baccalaureate and CEGEP students are eligible for consideration. The Beryl Ivey Continuing Entrance Award has a financial need component. A supplemental application in addition to the National Scholarship application is required for students to be considered.
Note: The application and all supporting documentation must be received, not postmarked, at Western by the February 14, 2014 deadline. Please ensure that you have submitted your application to the Ontario Universities' Application Centre indicating Western's main campus as one of your choices.
Applications are limited. Please see Mrs. Q in the guidance office for more information or to obtain an application.
The Loran Awards
(The Canadian Merit Scholarship Foundation)
The Loran Awards Program is seeking well-rounded students who demonstrate character, promise of leadership and a strong commitment to service in the community. 112 cash awards will be made available to students who will be entering their first year of university in 2014. If you are interested in submitting an application, you need to speak with Mrs. Q in the guidance office. The school can sponsor up to four applicants. You may, however, apply directly by visiting www.loranaward.ca . Deadline for sponsored applicants is October16. For direct pool applicants, the due date is October 23. No applications will be accepted after this date, regardless of the postmark date
Eligibility and Selection Criteria
Eligibility Criteria Be in the graduating year of uninterrupted full-time studies in high school or CEGEP. Exceptions may be considered for those who have undertaken a gap year for academic pursuits or community service-based activities.
Character, service and leadership are the selection criteria for Loran Awards. Loran scholars are people of strong moral character who have demonstrated academic excellence and potential as leaders. They are curious by nature, interested in a wide range of subjects and willing to take meaningful risks. They prioritize results over appearances and value integrity and honesty. Though they study diverse subjects, and go on to work in a variety of fields, they share a common commitment to their university and larger communities.
The Garfield Weston Scholarship
The Garfield Weston Foundation will distribute up to 25 awards to students entering their first year of college studies in Canada for use during the 2013-2014 academic year. Each award comprises a tuition waiver from a consortium college renewable for one of two additional years; and an $8,000.00 stipend renewable for one of two additional years.
To be eligible a student must
For more information see Mrs. Q in guidance or visit www.westonfoundation.org
The Ontario Knights of Columbus continues its provincial bursary program to assist Knights and members of their families pursuing a post-secondary education.
Candidates eligible for a National Knights of Columbus Bursary are :
The Miller Thomson Foundation National Scholarship Programs
The purpose of THE MILLER THOMSON FOUNDATION NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP is to encourage and promote the attainment of higher educational goals for individuals who have demonstrated a high level of academic achievement, have made a positive contribution to their school through involvement in extracurricular activities and have made significant contributions of time and energy to community service programmes.
THE MILLER THOMSON FOUNDATION NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP is a long-term, ongoing initiative funded by THE MILLER THOMSON FOUNDATION. It annually awards one-year scholarships of approximately $1,000 to 200 recipients within Canada. The number of scholarships and the dollar amount is determined annually by the Foundation's Board of Governors.
Only students attending a Canadian secondary school, currently in their final year of high school, and who will be attending a post-secondary institution in the Fall to pursue a course of study within Canada leading to a degree or diploma from the accredited community college or university of their choice. Applicants must obtain a Secondary School Diploma. Quebec students should apply in their final year of CEGEP planning on attending a Canadian university.
Students must be a Canadian Citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.
For an on-line application, go to www.millerthomson.com and click on “About Us”. On the drop down choose the MT Foundation and follow the links.
Deadline - check website for details.
The Kay Livingstone Memorial Scholarship Award
This award is sponsored by the Congress of Black Women of Canada, London Chapter. There are two $500.00 scholarships offered to Afro-Canadian students from the London Middlesex area, who meet the selection criteria.
Candidates must provide evidence of academic excellence, community involvement and financial need. Please see Mrs. Q in the guidance office if you would like an application .
PDK--Phi Delta Kappa
Scholarship Grant for Potential Educators
This scholarship program is available to all graduating students who are seriously considering a career in education. The PDK London Chapter will award two scholarships at $500.00 each and then forward these applicaitons to PDK International At this level of competition, several scholarships will be awarded from US $250.00 to US $1,500.00.
Due date is February 2014.
See Mrs. Q in the guidance office, if you would like an appllication.
Applications must be submitted to the following address:
The PDK-London Scholarship Program
35 Parliament Crescent
London, Ontario
N6C 2X8
Canadian Navy Essay/Poetry/ Artwork Competition
A national competition where the winner can earn up to $5,000.00. Check out the website: http://sd41.bc.ca/students/pdf/navy_essay_contest.pdf for eligibility and submission requirements.
Harry Jerome Awards
To be eligible for the Harry Jerome awards, you must be African-Canadian. There are several different award categories. Nominees must be between the ages of 16 and 24.
Check out the website, if interested: www.bbpa.org. Click on Harry Jerome on the sidebar.
Twenty Under Twenty
Top 20 under 20 recognizes and awards youth under the age of twenty who have demonstrated significant levels of innovation, leadership and achievement in all disciplines and fields. This scholarship program has made a point of going beyond just academic achievements in the selection criteria. They are looking for well-rounded individuals and place the most emphasis on demonstrable innovation.
For more information, check out www.Top20Under20.ca .
The application can be found on the website.
The 2013 Toyota Earth Day Scholarship Program
This is an exciting opportunity for graduating high school students in Canada to earn a $5,000.00 entrance scholarship towards their post secondary education, regardless of their chosen field of study. Twenty awards will be presented to graduating students from across Canada who have achieved excellence in academic and extracurricular activities, and demonstrated a commitment to the environment.
Interested students will need to complete the application and gather the support materials, school transcripts, and letters of reference by the application deadline.
For application information go to www.earthday.ca/scholarship
Deadline Jan. 2014.
RBC Royal Bank Scholarship for New Canadians
The RBC Royal Bank Scholarship for New Canadians is designed to encourage young people who have immigrated to Canada to share their experiences. You could win $3,500.00.
Find out more at www.rbcroyalbank.com/scholarhships You must have 70% in the previous year of study to qualify.
Approximately 20 awards are given each year to students who will be attending a Canadian university or college. The value of each award is $7,000.00 annually, for a maximum of four years or until a first degree is obtained.
Demonstration of the highest ideals and qualities of citizenship will be criteria for the selection and renewal of recipients. Further relevant qualities are courage in overcoming obstacles, involvement in humanitarian service and participation in sport, fitness and community service.
All application material is available at www.terryfoxawards.ca
Deadline Feb. 1, 2014.
Sifton Funeral Home
As a proud member of the Ontario funeral Service Association (OFSA), this October, the Sifton Funeral Home is participating in the OFSA’s "Your Family Matters" Student Writing Contest.
Gr. 12 students graduating in the 2012 school year are eligible to submit an essay of the theme of "family appreciation" (500-1000 words). Consideration will be given for content/lessons learned, sincerity, emotional pull, creativity, structure, and grammar.
From entries received from St. Thomas secondary schools, the Sifton Funeral Home will award the first place winner a $500.00 cash education bursary. They will also award gift prizes to the second and third place winner. The funeral home will then forward the local first place winning essay to OFSA. The provincial winner receives a $2,500.00 cash prize. Interested students need to visit the guidance office to complete a registration form.
House of Commons Page Program
If you intend on attending a university in the Ottawa area, you may be interested in the Page Program. Pages are contracted to work at the House of Commons for one year beginning in late August 2013. They will work a minimum of 15 hours per week and their work schedule is coordinated with their university schedule. A salary of $11,461 will be paid and an additional $1,200 will be given upon the successful completion of the contract.
Applications can be submitted on line at http://www.parl.gc.ca/hocpage.
Deadline December 2014 - check website for details.
Burger King Scholars Program
$1,000.00, $5,000.00, and $ 25,000.00 scholarships for all high school graduates.
Applicants must:
Be residents of the United States, Canada or Puerto Rico
Be an employee of Burger King Corporation, participating BURGER KING® franchisee (Franchisees) or be dependent children* of an employeeof Burger King Corporation or Franchisees (Designated Employer)
Be graduating high school seniors (U.S. and Puerto Rico) or have attained a GED, graduating from grade 12 (Canada), graduating from home school education in the U.S., Puerto Rico or Canada or current college undergraduates or graduate level students in the U.S., Puerto Rico or Canada
Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale or the equivalent
Plan to enroll for the 2014-2015 academic year at an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school in the U.S., Canada or Puerto Rico
Go to www.haveityourwayfoundation.org for application information. Due date is January 2014.
The Vari Scholarship/Bursary
The scholarship is available to qualified students who have a serious interest in pursuing a teaching career. The successful candidate(s) must register at Victoria College at the University of Toronto.
Go online at http://www.vicu.utoronto.ca .
Faculty of Mathematics Scholarships and Bursaries 2014
To apply for these awards, you must first accept an offer of admission from the Faculty of Mathematics. The FoM offers as many as 200 scholarships in varying amounts to deserving students. In addition, the University of Waterloo offers entrance scholarships on the basis of grades and bursaries on the basis of financial need.
To download an application, go to uwaterloo.ca/math/scholarships
- due date February 10, 2014
Bursary Applications will be available in February at uwaterloo.ca/findoutmore/financingbursaries
- deadline is April 13, 2014
To Increase Your Chances:
1. Write the Euclid Math Contest-- April 15, 2014. Ask your math teacher for details
2. Prepare an excellent Admission Information Form (AIF)
Get your AIF at uwaterloo.ca/findoutmore/admissions/admission-information-form
3. Work hard and keep up your marks.
For more information about scholarships, bursaries, financial aid, budgeting for university, and other financial matters, visit uwaterloo.ca/student-awards-financial-aid.
Student Life Network and CIBC Scholarship
Student Life Network in collaboration with CIBC is offering a $20,000 award to help a current Canadian student pay for school. The award is not merit based, is open to all students 16+, and it is free to apply. In addition to the $20,000 for school it contains a whole host of other awards that make a student's life easier.
Students can register to win the scholarship here: http://bit.ly/19YYoI3
Last year,. Taylor Esselment from Hagersville, Ontario won a $20,000 GIC to help her pay off her student debts. A re-cap video telling her that she won can be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi4knWo6tTo.
The OHF Bursary Program (Ontario Hockey Federation)
www.onf.on.caTo be eligible for this award, a candidate must meet the following criteria:
- Be registered with the OHF during his/her application season
- Be registered for three years with in the OHF in any capacity ( player, trainer, coach . . .)
- Be a registrant in good standing with the OHF
- Enrolling in post-secondary full-time studies in Canada
- Submit an application form (see Mrs. Q in the guidance office for this)
- A letter from the candidate about what the game of hockey has meant to him or her, including community involvement and volunteerism
- One letter of reference from current school on letterhead
- One letter of reference from a hockey related organization on official letterhead
- Current transcript
- A copy of candidates current mark summary.
400 Sheldon Drive, Unit 9
Cambridge, Ontario
N1T 2H9
The Association of Justices’ of the Peace Scholarship
To be eligible students must
- Be in their final year of secondary school and been accepted into a program that is related to the Justice System.
- Demonstrate high academic achievement
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Go to www.ojen.ca/APJOBursary and complete the application form
- You must submit a 250 word essay and have a letter of reference from your principal or teacher supporting the aforementioned criteria. Send this letter to [email protected]
The Burger King Scholarship Program 2013
On-line applications are available at:
You may start applying mid November. Applications close Jan 10 2014.
Libro Community Builder Scholarship
Ten, $3,000 scholarships will be awarded to students 17 to 25 in southwestern Ontario who demonstrate outstanding commitment to developing leadership skills while participating in community development projects. Libro knows that by supporting these young leaders we all win. Students attending college, university, a technical institute or private college are all eligible to apply.
Applications are being accepted on-line at www.libro.ca/scholarship from March to May. Check website for deadline details.
The Kin Canada Bursary
High School students in London and surrounding area are being encouraged to apply for post-secondary funding through the local Kin Canada Clubs: Kinsmen Club of Greater London, Kinette Club of London, Kinsmen Club of Dorchester and area, Kinsmen Club of St. Thomas, just to name a few.
Students who are, or will be, attending a recognized post-secondary institution during the 2014-2015 school year are encouraged to apply for a $1,000 Kin Canada Bursary. Applications will be accepted until Feb. 1, 2014, and can be downloaded at www.bursary.ca.
This bursary is awarded to students based on financial need, community and school involvement, and knowledge of Kin Canada. Successful applicants will be notified by June 2014.
Since Kin Canada Bursaries were established in 1994, more than half a million dollars in bursaries have been awarded to students pursuing their post-secondary education. The bursaries are supported each year by the fundraising efforts of Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin Clubs across the country.
For more information about Kin Canada, visit www.kincanada.ca.
The Garfield Weston Scholarship Awards
If you are entering college studies in the Fall of 2014, are passionate about your field of study, have been involved in school and community activities and have a 75% average, you need to check out the Garfield Weston Scholarship Awards.
Please see Mrs. Q for details, or go to www.garfieldwestonawards.ca for more details.
Deadline is March 2014.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Allen Simpson Educational Fund Awards
These awards were established to assist orphans who wish to continue with a post secondary education.
1. Canadians citizen or permanent resident
2. Will be attending a recognized college or university
3. Under 22 years of age at the time of application
4. Both parents deceased
See Mrs. Q in the guidance office for an application. Deadline is March 1.
Schulich Leader Scholarships
Interested? Visit the guidance office, if you wish to be nominated.
What is it?
Seymour Schulich, a noted entrepreneur and philanthropist, believes that Canada and Israel’s future lies in leadership committed to science and technology. The Schulich Leader Scholarships are available to support and encourage young people to embrace science and technology in their future careers, helping to propel our nation’s economy. Winners of the scholarship may receive up to $60,000.00.
Who is Elgible?
High School, Secondary School and CEGEP (in Quebec) students in their final year who plan to study STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) at university in the fall of 2013 are eligible to be selected by their respective school as the Schulich Leader Nominee. Each of the 20 participating universities will select their Schulich Leader from the pool of Schulich Leader Nominees who have applied to their institution.
Schulich Leader Nominees are selected by the High Schools, Secondary Schools and CEGEPs from graduating students who are intending to study STEM subjects in university. The student must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada and possess at least two of the three following attributes:
· Exceptional high academic grades
· Demonstrated leadership in school life and community life, or provided evidence of entrepreneurial talent (Schulich Leader Nominees must provide two written references with at least one academic)
· Financial need
Schulich Leaders are selected by the universities. In order to become a Schulich Leader, one must be a Schulich Leader Nominee enrolling in a STEM faculty at a minimum of one of 20 designated Canadian Universities selected to participate in Schulich Leader Scholarships in the Fall of 2013.
Check out the website at www.schulichleaders.com
Deadline : Feb. 5, 2014 - check website for details.
University of Guelph National Scholarship Program
The University of Guelph offers 12 scholarships valued at $32,000.00 each and includes a research assistantship position and mentorship by one of Guelph’s leading professors.
Students need to submit the on-line application no later than January 25, 2014.
90% overall average
Community involvement
School Leadership
Go to the University of Guelph’s website and follow the link to obtain an on-line application:
The National Scholarship Program at the University of Western Ontario.
Note: National Scholarship applications for 2013-2014 will be available in November 2013.
National Scholarships are designed to recognize all-round excellence. They are awarded on the basis of outstanding academic performance to candidates who demonstrate ability for creative and innovative thought and a passion for the pursuit of learning. National Scholarships also recognize exceptional achievement in extracurricular activities such as the arts and athletics. A special emphasis is placed on a candidate's commitment to community service through ongoing contributions to school and community life.
President’s Entrance Scholarships
Total value approx. $34,000
SIX at $24,000; payable $6,000 per academic year for a period of four years, with first-year residence room and board included (up to a maximum of $10,000).
Faculty Entrance Scholarships
Total value approx. $23,000
EIGHT at $16,000; payable $4,000 per academic year for a period of four years, with first-year residence room only included.
Beryl Ivey Continuing Entrance Award
Total value: $64,000
ONE at $64,000; payable $16,000 per academic year for a period of four years.
National Merit Awards
Those students who are interviewed for a National Scholarship but not offered a scholarship and accepting offer of admission to main campus will receive a one-year National Merit Award valued at $2,000. Recipients will also retain eligibility for an Admission Scholarship ranging in value from $1,000 to $10,000
For scholarship consideration you must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and have obtained a minimum overall academic average of 90% on all Grade 12U/M courses. National Scholarships are available only at Western's main campus and Faculty Entrance Scholarships are available only within the faculty for which the scholarship has been awarded. You must make an admission application to The University of Western Ontario (main campus) to be considered for these scholarships and you must register as a full-time student. International Baccalaureate and CEGEP students are eligible for consideration. The Beryl Ivey Continuing Entrance Award has a financial need component. A supplemental application in addition to the National Scholarship application is required for students to be considered.
Note: The application and all supporting documentation must be received, not postmarked, at Western by the February 14, 2014 deadline. Please ensure that you have submitted your application to the Ontario Universities' Application Centre indicating Western's main campus as one of your choices.
Applications are limited. Please see Mrs. Q in the guidance office for more information or to obtain an application.
The Loran Awards
(The Canadian Merit Scholarship Foundation)
The Loran Awards Program is seeking well-rounded students who demonstrate character, promise of leadership and a strong commitment to service in the community. 112 cash awards will be made available to students who will be entering their first year of university in 2014. If you are interested in submitting an application, you need to speak with Mrs. Q in the guidance office. The school can sponsor up to four applicants. You may, however, apply directly by visiting www.loranaward.ca . Deadline for sponsored applicants is October16. For direct pool applicants, the due date is October 23. No applications will be accepted after this date, regardless of the postmark date
Eligibility and Selection Criteria
Eligibility Criteria Be in the graduating year of uninterrupted full-time studies in high school or CEGEP. Exceptions may be considered for those who have undertaken a gap year for academic pursuits or community service-based activities.
- Present a minimum cumulative average of 85%
- Hold Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status
Character, service and leadership are the selection criteria for Loran Awards. Loran scholars are people of strong moral character who have demonstrated academic excellence and potential as leaders. They are curious by nature, interested in a wide range of subjects and willing to take meaningful risks. They prioritize results over appearances and value integrity and honesty. Though they study diverse subjects, and go on to work in a variety of fields, they share a common commitment to their university and larger communities.
The Garfield Weston Scholarship
The Garfield Weston Foundation will distribute up to 25 awards to students entering their first year of college studies in Canada for use during the 2013-2014 academic year. Each award comprises a tuition waiver from a consortium college renewable for one of two additional years; and an $8,000.00 stipend renewable for one of two additional years.
To be eligible a student must
- Be a Canadian citizen
- Have a minimum 75% average
- Be a full time student
- Be able to demonstrate leadership
- Be able to demonstrate community and school involvement
For more information see Mrs. Q in guidance or visit www.westonfoundation.org
The Ontario Knights of Columbus continues its provincial bursary program to assist Knights and members of their families pursuing a post-secondary education.
Candidates eligible for a National Knights of Columbus Bursary are :
- A member of the Knights of Columbus of Ontario ion good standing
- The wife, son or daughter of a member in good standingThe wife, son or daughter of a deceased member in good standing at the time of his death
- A grandchild who is the legal ward of a member in good standing
The Miller Thomson Foundation National Scholarship Programs
The purpose of THE MILLER THOMSON FOUNDATION NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP is to encourage and promote the attainment of higher educational goals for individuals who have demonstrated a high level of academic achievement, have made a positive contribution to their school through involvement in extracurricular activities and have made significant contributions of time and energy to community service programmes.
THE MILLER THOMSON FOUNDATION NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP is a long-term, ongoing initiative funded by THE MILLER THOMSON FOUNDATION. It annually awards one-year scholarships of approximately $1,000 to 200 recipients within Canada. The number of scholarships and the dollar amount is determined annually by the Foundation's Board of Governors.
Only students attending a Canadian secondary school, currently in their final year of high school, and who will be attending a post-secondary institution in the Fall to pursue a course of study within Canada leading to a degree or diploma from the accredited community college or university of their choice. Applicants must obtain a Secondary School Diploma. Quebec students should apply in their final year of CEGEP planning on attending a Canadian university.
Students must be a Canadian Citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.
For an on-line application, go to www.millerthomson.com and click on “About Us”. On the drop down choose the MT Foundation and follow the links.
Deadline - check website for details.
The Kay Livingstone Memorial Scholarship Award
This award is sponsored by the Congress of Black Women of Canada, London Chapter. There are two $500.00 scholarships offered to Afro-Canadian students from the London Middlesex area, who meet the selection criteria.
Candidates must provide evidence of academic excellence, community involvement and financial need. Please see Mrs. Q in the guidance office if you would like an application .
PDK--Phi Delta Kappa
Scholarship Grant for Potential Educators
This scholarship program is available to all graduating students who are seriously considering a career in education. The PDK London Chapter will award two scholarships at $500.00 each and then forward these applicaitons to PDK International At this level of competition, several scholarships will be awarded from US $250.00 to US $1,500.00.
Due date is February 2014.
See Mrs. Q in the guidance office, if you would like an appllication.
Applications must be submitted to the following address:
The PDK-London Scholarship Program
35 Parliament Crescent
London, Ontario
N6C 2X8
Canadian Navy Essay/Poetry/ Artwork Competition
A national competition where the winner can earn up to $5,000.00. Check out the website: http://sd41.bc.ca/students/pdf/navy_essay_contest.pdf for eligibility and submission requirements.
Harry Jerome Awards
To be eligible for the Harry Jerome awards, you must be African-Canadian. There are several different award categories. Nominees must be between the ages of 16 and 24.
Check out the website, if interested: www.bbpa.org. Click on Harry Jerome on the sidebar.
Twenty Under Twenty
Top 20 under 20 recognizes and awards youth under the age of twenty who have demonstrated significant levels of innovation, leadership and achievement in all disciplines and fields. This scholarship program has made a point of going beyond just academic achievements in the selection criteria. They are looking for well-rounded individuals and place the most emphasis on demonstrable innovation.
For more information, check out www.Top20Under20.ca .
The application can be found on the website.
The 2013 Toyota Earth Day Scholarship Program
This is an exciting opportunity for graduating high school students in Canada to earn a $5,000.00 entrance scholarship towards their post secondary education, regardless of their chosen field of study. Twenty awards will be presented to graduating students from across Canada who have achieved excellence in academic and extracurricular activities, and demonstrated a commitment to the environment.
Interested students will need to complete the application and gather the support materials, school transcripts, and letters of reference by the application deadline.
For application information go to www.earthday.ca/scholarship
Deadline Jan. 2014.
RBC Royal Bank Scholarship for New Canadians
The RBC Royal Bank Scholarship for New Canadians is designed to encourage young people who have immigrated to Canada to share their experiences. You could win $3,500.00.
Find out more at www.rbcroyalbank.com/scholarhships You must have 70% in the previous year of study to qualify.
Approximately 20 awards are given each year to students who will be attending a Canadian university or college. The value of each award is $7,000.00 annually, for a maximum of four years or until a first degree is obtained.
Demonstration of the highest ideals and qualities of citizenship will be criteria for the selection and renewal of recipients. Further relevant qualities are courage in overcoming obstacles, involvement in humanitarian service and participation in sport, fitness and community service.
All application material is available at www.terryfoxawards.ca
Deadline Feb. 1, 2014.
Sifton Funeral Home
As a proud member of the Ontario funeral Service Association (OFSA), this October, the Sifton Funeral Home is participating in the OFSA’s "Your Family Matters" Student Writing Contest.
Gr. 12 students graduating in the 2012 school year are eligible to submit an essay of the theme of "family appreciation" (500-1000 words). Consideration will be given for content/lessons learned, sincerity, emotional pull, creativity, structure, and grammar.
From entries received from St. Thomas secondary schools, the Sifton Funeral Home will award the first place winner a $500.00 cash education bursary. They will also award gift prizes to the second and third place winner. The funeral home will then forward the local first place winning essay to OFSA. The provincial winner receives a $2,500.00 cash prize. Interested students need to visit the guidance office to complete a registration form.
House of Commons Page Program
If you intend on attending a university in the Ottawa area, you may be interested in the Page Program. Pages are contracted to work at the House of Commons for one year beginning in late August 2013. They will work a minimum of 15 hours per week and their work schedule is coordinated with their university schedule. A salary of $11,461 will be paid and an additional $1,200 will be given upon the successful completion of the contract.
Applications can be submitted on line at http://www.parl.gc.ca/hocpage.
Deadline December 2014 - check website for details.
Burger King Scholars Program
$1,000.00, $5,000.00, and $ 25,000.00 scholarships for all high school graduates.
Applicants must:
Be residents of the United States, Canada or Puerto Rico
Be an employee of Burger King Corporation, participating BURGER KING® franchisee (Franchisees) or be dependent children* of an employeeof Burger King Corporation or Franchisees (Designated Employer)
Be graduating high school seniors (U.S. and Puerto Rico) or have attained a GED, graduating from grade 12 (Canada), graduating from home school education in the U.S., Puerto Rico or Canada or current college undergraduates or graduate level students in the U.S., Puerto Rico or Canada
Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale or the equivalent
Plan to enroll for the 2014-2015 academic year at an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school in the U.S., Canada or Puerto Rico
Go to www.haveityourwayfoundation.org for application information. Due date is January 2014.
The Vari Scholarship/Bursary
The scholarship is available to qualified students who have a serious interest in pursuing a teaching career. The successful candidate(s) must register at Victoria College at the University of Toronto.
Go online at http://www.vicu.utoronto.ca .